
Dear community of the Chilean Journal of Nursing, we inform you that we continue to receive articles for publication this 2024,
with a continuous publication system on Nursing and Health Sciences topics;
and an average publication time of nine weeks from article submission to publication. (GUIDELINES FOR THE AUTOR)


Ethical standards

Ethical Norms

The journal adheres to the codes of conduct and guidelines published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)


From from the chief editor, from the associate or guest editor:

Manage, coordinate, decide, select, reproduce and distribute the magazine. She/he is responsible for each article published. It will strive to satisfy the needs of the audience and the authors, constantly improve the journal, ensure the quality of the printed material, defend freedom of expression, maintain the academic integrity of the journal, respect the procedures and deadlines committed to evaluation and publication and be available to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies when necessary.

Editorial Committee

Permanently review compliance with the ethical principles of the journal, notify the editor if errors are found in the publication, and ensure the journal's quality in its formal aspects and content.

Support and guide the academic activity of the journal, advising on general decisions and critical areas for its strategic development.

Of the evaluators

Impartially evaluate the content of the articles, keep the information confidential and not use it for any other purpose than the evaluation of the manuscript, refrain from considering in case of conflicts of interest, and provide suggestions to the authors for the improvement of their work.

Of the authors

Send works that are original and that are not being evaluated for publication in other media, declare the source of funding received for publication and eventual conflicts of interest, claim all the references that serve as a basis for the work, acknowledge the work of co-authors /as, verify that all the information contained is authentic and that there is no fraudulent use of the data or plagiarism, accept the intellectual property rights policy of the journal, and submit to the peer review process, correcting the work according to the comments received. For articles that report empirical research results, the authors must declare the approval of their institution's ethics committee and the participants' informed consent.

Criteria to regulate the ethical performance of the publication

Transparency: The journal's editorial policy, the peer review process, manuscript evaluation criteria, editor's responsibilities, editorial committees, evaluators, and authors are published.

Complaints: the journal follows the procedure established in the COPE flowchart. The mechanism for expressing objections involves sending an email to the journal editor. The editor must respond promptly.

Promotion of academic integrity: the editor will ensure that the published research material conforms to internationally accepted ethical guidelines.

Protection of individual data: Publishers must protect the confidentiality of personal information.

Follow-up of inappropriate conduct: the editor must act if they suspect inappropriate behavior (plagiarism, falsification of data, works previously published in other media, undeclared conflicts of interest, and non-recognition of the corresponding authors, among others). Others). She has a duty not only to reject articles that violate ethical standards but to follow up on suspected misconduct cases. This implies, first of all, seeking a response from the accused persons. If unsatisfied with the answer, they should ask the employers or regulatory body to investigate the situation. She must make every reasonable attempt to persist in obtaining a solution to the problem.

Editorial independence: The editor must decide which articles to publish based on their quality and suitability rather than the economic or political benefits this may bring.

Conflict of interest: The editor must have systems to manage their conflicts of interest, as well as those of his/her staff, authors, reviewers, and members of the editorial board.

Our journal uses a review system for the academic integrity of the writings and plagiarism detection through the Turnitin software.