
Dear community of the Chilean Journal of Nursing, we inform you that we continue to receive articles for publication this 2024,
with a continuous publication system on Nursing and Health Sciences topics;
and an average publication time of nine weeks from article submission to publication. (GUIDELINES FOR THE AUTOR)


Key transitions on the path to becoming a professional: exploring milestones in nursing training as social structures



Introduction: Training for a professional role is a complex process typically occurring within the context of an educational program. This professional socialization involves intricate psychological changes, as well as interactions with the professional and institutional culture. However, research predominantly focuses on the psychological or agency dimensions, while the social-structural aspects have received limited attention. This article explores the delineation and potential influence of various transitional milestones from a training program on the professional socialization of nursing students. Methodology: The findings of this study derive from a focused ethnography incorporating observational methods, audio diaries, and interviews with a cohort of nursing students (n=15) from a Chilean university, who were followed from 2019 to 2021. Results: Macro-transitions associated with the beginning and completion of studies were identified and analyzed, along with micro-transitions arising from the professional and institutional culture that shape students' learning trajectories. Furthermore, the study discusses how these transitional milestones, as structures not created by the students themselves, can influence professional socialization. Conclusions: It is essential to promote research exploring the social-structural aspects of professional training. Only in this way will it be possible to do justice to the psychosocial complexities of intricate phenomena like learning and professional education.


Education, Professional, Education, Nursing, Social Structure, Socialization, Professional Training


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