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Motivations and attitudes towards research among postgraduate nursing students at a university in Argentina



Objective: To explore the motivations and attitudes towards research among postgraduate nursing students at a private university in Argentina. Methodology: A descriptive, quantitative, and cross-sectional study was conducted, using the questionnaire by Cepeda et al. to assess motivations toward research in Nursing. This questionnaire consists of 42 items grouped into five domains. Results: The study included 63 participants, predominantly female (84.13%), aged between 31 and 40 years (41.27%), married or in a domestic partnership (52.38%), residing in a different borough from the university (50.79%), and with previous undergraduate education (96.83%). The highest-rated domain was Nursing Knowledge and Professional Preparation (mean=80.87, SD=11.50), while Personal Life Organization, Professional Life, and Time Management received the lowest ratings (mean=54.09, SD=13.70). The overall score for motivation and attitudes towards research was 70.01 (SD=7.40). Conclusion: A moderate level of motivation and positive attitudes towards research was found among the respondents. Gender and marital status were associated with motivation for conducting research activities, with lower motivation observed in male professionals and those who were single. It is necessary to implement strategies to promote research activities among nursing staff during their training and to ensure these activities can be sustained throughout their professional careers.


Nursing Research, Nursing, Motivation, Attitude, Education, Nursing, Graduate

Author Biography

Robinson Ali Garay Pardo, Universidad de Ciencias Empresariales y Sociales (UCES)

Robinson Garay. Licenciado en Enfermería, Profesor Universitario y Doctor en Salud Pública. Docente en Universidad de Ciencias Empresariales y Sociales (UCES), Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4156-0760


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Canova-Barrios CJ. Ethical aspects in the publication of scientific manuscripts: A literature review. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología. 2022;2:81. https://doi.org/10.56294/saludcyt202281

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Canova-Barrios CJ, Bonardi MC, Machuca-Contreras F. Conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas de los estudiantes de ciencias de la salud hacia la investigación científica. Luz. 2023;22(4):199-214.

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