
Dear community of the Chilean Journal of Nursing, we inform you that we continue to receive articles for publication this 2024,
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Benefits, adverse effects, and the role of nursing professionals in bariatric surgery



Objective: To describe evidence of the benefits, adverse effects, and the role of nursing professionals in bariatric surgery. Introduction: Obesity has reached concerning levels in Chile, posing a public health challenge. In this context, bariatric surgery emerges as a crucial intervention for patients with obesity who do not achieve results with conventional approaches. While notable benefits are evident in individuals opting for this surgical procedure, there are also risks and adverse effects on the physical, psychological, and social aspects. The initially positive relationship between bariatric surgery and quality of life can become unfavorable due to lack of adherence to postoperative recommendations. Nursing professionals play an important role in preparing and monitoring patients undergoing bariatric surgery, providing education and emotional support. Exhaustive pre- and postoperative assessment is crucial, with a significant contribution of these professionals in the comprehensive care of these patients. Conclusions: Bariatric surgery should not be considered as an isolated solution but as part of a multidisciplinary approach that includes lifestyle changes. It is essential to promote collaboration among healthcare professionals, highlighting the significant role of nursing professionals in improving the outcomes and quality of life of patients with obesity undergoing this intervention.


Obesity, Bariatric Surgery, Nursing Staff, Quality of Life


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