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Considerations and lessons learned in standardizing interhospital transport of critically ill patients



Objective: To describe the considerations and lessons learned in standardizing interhospital transport of critically ill patients. Development: The experience of developing a protocol for the safe transport of critically ill patients shows how relevant it is to establish clear, evidence-based guidelines to ensure patient safety, quality of care, and continuity of health care. The interhospital transfer of these patients requires meticulous planning due to the significant risks involved, which can lead to adverse events affecting both the patient and healthcare staff. Such a protocol must address numerous factors, including adequately preparing the patient and the healthcare team, effective communication among professionals, standardizing procedures, and using resources efficiently. Barriers to creating a transfer protocol include a lack of trained staff, limited material resources, and the diverse clinical needs of patients, which require a holistic, multidisciplinary approach. These challenges can be mitigated by building consensus among professionals from different specialties and validating the protocol based on prior experiences and internationally recognized best practices. Conclusions: Developing a clinical protocol for transporting critically ill patients is a complex process, yet it is essential for ensuring patient safety and an efficient healthcare system. This protocol must be evidence-based, adaptable to local contexts, and involve collaboration among multidisciplinary teams from the initial clinical assessment to the execution of the transfer, always prioritizing the principle of beneficence.


Patient Transfer, Clinical Protocols, Critical Care, Patient Safety, Safety Management


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