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Cross-Cultural adaptation of the Intensive Care Psychological Assessment Tool in Colombia



Hospitalization in the intensive care unit (ICU) can result in mental and physical disturbances post-hospitalization. In Colombia, there is little research exploring the early detection of psychological morbidity in the ICU. This study aimed to develop a version of the Intensive Care Psychology Assessment Tool (IPAT) in Spanish equivalent to the original instrument. Direct and reverse translations of the IPAT instrument were carried out with prior authorization from the authors and the participation of professional linguists. People with different sociodemographic profiles, hospitalized in the ICU, were interviewed to confirm the cultural adequacy of the Colombian version, as well as to compare it with the original version. It was found that items 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 presented 100% comprehensibility, items 6, 7, 8, and 9 had 97.5% comprehensibility, and item 10 had 90% comprehensibility, requiring modifications. Life support measures such as mechanical ventilation, traumatic experiences, and memories of the hospital stay were detected as factors for the development of anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder. It is hoped that this study will be a reference point for new research based on cross-cultural adaptations related to psychological morbidity, in the nursing field in Latin America. The Colombian version of the IPAT instrument derived from this cross-cultural adaptation is equivalent to the English one. This study represents a starting point for new research that aims to develop a personalized and validated instrument in Spanish that can be used regularly by nursing staff in the near future.


Psychological Tests, Morbidity, Critical Care, Psychological Stress, Traumatic Stress Disorders

Author Biography

Laura Estefanía Buitrago-Velandia, Clínica los Cobos Medical Center, Bogotá, Colombia.

Enfermero, especialista, magíster, ponente en diferentes eventos nacionales e internacionales. Con experiencia laboral de 11 años en áreas asistenciales como: Atención primaria, unidad de cuidado intensivo adulto, triage y hemodiálisis; en el área administrativa: Experiencia en gestión del riesgo individual y colectivo en salud desde la implementación y seguimiento a las rutas integrales de atención en salud; en el área docente: Profesor asistente de la Universidad del Tolima y de la Universidad Antonio Nariño (UAN) y en el área investigativa: Investigador principal en proyecto ganado por convocatoria interna en la UAN, jurado, asesor de trabajos de grado y auxiliar de investigación del proyecto “Caracterización de los factores relacionados con la capacidad de respuesta y resolutividad institucional para gestión de la atención en salud en comunidades de zonas rurales y rurales dispersas en el departamento del Tolima”.


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