Dear community of the Chilean Journal of Nursing, we inform you that we continue to receive articles for publication this 2024,
with a continuous publication system on Nursing and Health Sciences topics;
and an average publication time of nine weeks from article submission to publication. (GUIDELINES FOR THE AUTOR)
Objective: This reflection aimed to explore, based on the existing scientific evidence, the functions and attributes of the nurse coordinator's role in hospital care. Development: In Chile, nursing management for hospital care in medium- and high-complexity establishments is regulated by general administrative standard No. 19 through the exempt resolution 1127, 2007. More than 15 years after its implementation, some inequalities have been detected in its structure, as well as high heterogeneity in the functions that have been amended through the norm that regulates them. There is no consensus regarding the structure of nursing roles, whether at the international or national level; this includes the role of nursing coordinators within care management sub-directorates. This reflection reveals the divergence that exists among the structures of Nursing and the definitions related to nursing coordination, a fundamental aspect of governance in Nursing. Leadership style, motivation, effective communication, support, and knowledge of complex systems can determine the characteristics of nursing coordinators. Conclusions: The definition and functions of the nursing coordination role are divergent. Currently, the structures are dissimilar among hospital facilities. It is suggested that a general organizational structure is developed from a central level and universalized to all nursing sub-directorates, considering differences according to the service portfolios, complexity, and specialty of hospitals in Chile.
Paredes M P, Rivas R E. Historia Del ejercicio profesional DE enfermeras hospitalarias Del Sur DE Chile (1940-1980). Cienc Enferm. 2014;20(1):9–21.
Núñez Carrasco E, Videla Bravo E, Caba Mella P, Navarro Torres R, Castillo Lobos L. Llamado a concurso de Enfermeras, 1955: La implementación del Sub-departamento de Enfermería del Servicio Nacional de Salud de Chile. Cult Cuid Rev Enferm Humanid. 2022;(64):67–79.
Campos C, Vargas X, Milos P. Los servicios profesionales de la enfermera(o) en la legislación chilena. Rev médica Clín Las Condes. 2018;29(3):270–7.
Subsecretaría de Redes Asistenciales. Norma General Administrativa N° 19, “Gestión del Cuidado de Enfermería para la Atención Cerrada” 2007.
Ramírez Aguilera N, García Jara R, Machuca-Contreras F. Diagnóstico de la implementación de la gestión de cuidados de enfermería para la atención cerrada en Chile. Salud Cienc Tecnol. 2023;3:348.
Anderson A, Hewner S. Care coordination: A concept analysis. Am J Nurs. 2021;121(12):30–8.
González-García A, Pinto-Carral A, Villorejo JS, Marqués-Sánchez P. Competency model for the middle nurse manager (MCGE-logistic level). Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021;18(8):3898.
Laverde Contreras OL, Sanchez Herrera B. Fortalecer la coordinación de enfermería para mejorar el cuidado hospitalario. Rev Cuid. 2020;11(2).
Dos Santos JLG, Alacoque LE. La gobernanza en la práctica profesional del enfermero en el ámbito hospitalario: estudio de métodos mixtos. Rev. Latino-Am. Enfermagem. 2015; 23(6):1024-32.
Prieto Silva R. Comunicación y coordinación en enfermería en una institución de salud de alta complejidad en Cartagena. Av Enferm. 2016;34(1):19.
Luther B, Barra J, Martial M-A. Essential nursing care management and coordination roles and responsibilities: A content analysis: A content analysis. Prof Case Manag. 2019;24(5):249–58.
Orgambídez A, Almeida H. Predictors of organizational commitment in nursing: Results from Portugal. Invest Educ Enferm. 2018;36(1):e14.
Cummings GG, Tate K, Lee S, Wong CA, Paananen T, Micaroni SPM, et al. Leadership styles and outcome patterns for the nursing workforce and work environment: A systematic review. Int J Nurs Stud. 2018;85:19–60.
Lanzoni GM de M, Celuppi IC, Metelski FK, Vendruscolo C, Costa VT, Meirelles BHS. Coordinación del cuidado: un análisis desde la perspectiva del enfermero de atención primaria. Index Enferm. 2022;31(2):82–6. Disponible en:
Bae S-H. Noneconomic and economic impacts of nurse turnover in hospitals: A systematic review. Int Nurs Rev. 2022;69(3):392–404.
Perkins RT, Bamgbade S, Bourdeanu L. Nursing leadership roles and its influence on the millennial psychiatric nurses’ job satisfaction and intent to leave. J Am Psychiatr Nurses Assoc. 2023;29(1):15–24.
Ramírez Aguilera N. Indicadores sensibles para la gestión del cuidado: un importante reto para la Enfermería Chilena. Cuid. enferm. educ. salud. 2023;8(1).
Kim SY, Ko Y. Influence of the team effectiveness of nursing units on nursing care left undone and nurse-reported quality of care. Healthcare (Basel). 2023;11(10).
Grubaugh ML, Flynn L. Relationships among nurse manager leadership skills, conflict management, and unit teamwork. J Nurs Adm. 2018;48(7–8):383–8.
North N, Brysiewicz P, Coetzee M. Nursing stakeholder identification guidelines for human resources for health and health workforce development: A scoping review. Int Nurs Rev. 2022;69(3):272–84.