
Dear community of the Chilean Journal of Nursing, we inform you that we continue to receive articles for publication this 2024,
with a continuous publication system on Nursing and Health Sciences topics;
and an average publication time of nine weeks from article submission to publication. (GUIDELINES FOR THE AUTOR)




  • Claudia Collado Quezada
  • Javier Hermosilla Vásquez
  • María José Leiva Melipil
  • Valeria Verdugo Parada
  • Scarlett Ramírez Gaete
  • Daniela Rosas Mariano
  • Daniela Rosas Mariano


Introduction: The Advance Directives are a way of defense of the autonomy and dignity of users at the end of life. They are no laws that validate Advance Directives in Chile, so nurses take special relevance for being who grant care throughout the life cycle. Objective: To know the nursing professionals' perception of a Critical Patient Unit about their role in the anticipated will at end of life. Methodology: Qualitative study, post-positivist paradigm with a case study approach. Performed from October to November 2017. The theoretical saturation was achieved by conducting 6 semi-structured interviews. Content analysis was used. Results: No nursing professional handled the concept, however, several were able to identify elements linked to the topic. Furthermore, a limited approach to the subject was identified during pre and postgraduate training and a need to expand knowledge. Some associated the role of education and support, while others failed to identify the link. Some practices that aim to respect the will of the people with various dilemmas in the process were evidenced. Conclusion: There is a long way to go regarding of respect for people's preferences at the end of life, and to achieve it is essential to increase the knowledge that patients have about this subject. Finally, it is important to establish clearly the application method and strategies to facilitate the process, in addition to incorporating it into daily language.


Personal Autonomy, Personhood, Bioethics, Ethics Nursing, Advance Directives, Living Wills, Terminal Care, Nursing Care